MiniBridge Part 2 - Improving your game
Scroll down to the next section for some quick questions on what we have just learned.
Question 1 of 3. #163
We need to make the opening lead against a contract of 9 tricks in No Trumps.
Our hand is
Which card should we lead?
Question 2 of 3. #162
We need to make the opening lead against a contract of 9 tricks in No Trumps.
Our hand is
Which card should we lead?
Question 3 of 3. #161
We need to make the opening lead against a contract of 9 tricks in No Trumps.
Our hand is
Which card should we lead?
Scroll down to the next section for some quick questions on what we have just learned.
Question 1 of 2. #185
We need to make the opening lead against a contract of 10 tricks in hearts.
Our hand is
Which card should we lead?
Question 2 of 2. #186
We need to make the opening lead against 10 tricks in spades.
Our hand is
Which card should we lead?
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